Saturday, January 10, 2015

Vincent Price Project: Beginnings

Here's what's in the works currently. The plan is to have a realistic bust of Vincent Price, with silicone skin, punched hair, acrylic eyes, etc. Should be a nice portfolio piece if it works out how I'm envisioning it.

I'm going for a "House on Haunted Hill" era Vincent.

Step 1: armature

The less the better, so it doesn't interfere with the proportions of the sculpture. The only reason to sculpt a head on top of another one is if it's going to be a mask.

Step 2: roughing out the sculpture

I use Chavant NSP Medium clay. This is a few sessions in. Still quite a ways to go.

Incidentally, if you're thinking about doing some sculpting, you may find my Fright Radio segment interesting:

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