Monday, April 16, 2012


Monsterpalooza!  Where else can you meet and chat with makeup effects legends Dick Smith and Greg Cannom (pictured with yours truly), as well as Bob Burns, and Andrew Clement (my mentor in the Dick Smith Advanced Professional Makeup Course)?

Here comes the rest of the pictures.  In all honesty, most of the displays weren't that cool, so I didn't take pictures of that stuff.  Of course, I missed a few good shots, too, but this should still give an idea of a few of the highlights.

Fellow haunter Mike Cathcart:

Mike Hill:

Casey Love Designs:

A few miscellaneous cool pieces:

Mickey Rotella:

A couple of movie props:

Andrew Clement/Creative Character Engineering:

Jordu Schell:


  1. Aw man! Went looking about for you -- even kept going to the Museum entrance to see if you'd stop by looking for me -- but the sheer mass of bodies (living and not-so-living!) was unbelievable! I am very happy you got to see (amongst all the other glorious beauty of the show) my little museum fellow. I know he was happy to see you!
    Next time!

  2. If I had known the "chilled" monkey brains serving bowl from Temple of Doom was there... I not only would of made time to go, but been first in line!

    Still down I didn't make it this year. I will not miss Son of Monsterpalooza in October.

  3. wow. wonderful stuff! thanks for sharing the pics.

  4. What?! If I knew you were gonna be there I'd found ya and said hello. Man that was crowded on saturday. I got there early and still waited in line for 90 minutes. Monsterpalooza is my favorite convention and good place to get ideas and inspiration for props.

    1. I should have known you'd be there! Actually, I was there on Sunday. We only had about a 10 minute wait after the doors opened. We'll have to coordinate it next year.
