Sunday, October 16, 2011

Stolloween Pumpkin

It's here!  My Stolloween pumpkin arrived in my dorm room on Friday.
This was the random winner from Scott Stoll's second "Build Me a Pumpkin" contest, so it's his three-dimensional interpretation of my design idea (below).  It's a big pumpkin (Haunted Mansion iPhone included for size reference) with 5 removable flies and a whole lot of rot.

Although Scott did all the hard work on this, it reminds me how fun collaborations with other haunters are, especially with great artists like Stolloween.

Thanks, Scott!  It looks great.


  1. That is just super cool! Great work both of you!!


  2. I was looking at that one just yesterday. Great acquisition, all that grody detail on the evil half of the face is pretty sweet huh?

  3. Glad Charles arrived in one piece...I hate shipping props. It was a lot of fun interpreting your design...thanks for participating! Have a fun and safe Halloween!
