Monday, May 23, 2011

CalHaunts Norcal at Maker Faire 2011

Last weekend was CalHaunts Norcal's second year at the Maker Faire in San Mateo.  We modified our booth from the year before and it all worked out great.  We even got some new members!
The pumpkin-headed groundbreaker was from a past Make & Take on the Casa Fear pneumatic groundbreaker.  Someone had the great idea to make it interactive, so people could control the movement when they came up to the booth.
Scary things are fun!
Hey, I know that zombie!  He's promoting the July 3-Axis skull Make & Take I'll be leading.  Hope to see you there!
That's Stacy's lifecast that monster mud Grim Reaper is holding.  And here's Stacy's real face (well, except for the freaky contacts), fresh from West Coast Haunters Convention (and a tour of the new Nightmare Factory-- I'm jealous!). 
Robert of Mantooth Manor's tombstone. You've probably seen it around the web.
Ed Martinez doing a makeup demo.  He taught the lifecasting class a few months ago (which I hear was very cool, though I missed it).  He also made up the girl and sculpted the zombie head below. 
Thanks to everyone in CalHaunts Norcal who put in much more work on the booth than I did (Robert, Robert, Stacy, Rachel, Kevin, Sallie, Ed, Perfessor...I know I'm forgetting some).  Y'all did a great job!


  1. Awesome, wish I could've attended. LOVE everything!

  2. Wow, you guys have a really talented bunch of haunters. It's very cool that you have something like that to go to. Maybe I should keep my eye open for something like that on the East Coast. Good job!


  3. Nice! I actually visited the booth last year. I was at a training class for my job. The booth was amazing.

  4. Awesome photos!! It was great to see you last weekend Mr. Chicken! And thank you again for all your help and the loan of your zombie!
