Thursday, August 19, 2010

Spiders for a Frog

Have you heard about the Davis Graveyard Spiderfest 2010?

Of course you have.  But I'll summarize just in case...
Chris Davis (the Frog Queen) of the Davis Graveyard (yes, the Davis Graveyard) wants YOU to make a spider to hang in their tree for this year's haunt.  So head on over and learn all about it.

I'm basically done with my contribution as of today.
What the heck? Where are his legs?!

Well, going on the assumption that the Davises are handy with a glue gun, I'm shipping it with detached appendages so he fits in a smaller box.  Here's what it will be like with them:

Okay?  Everybody happy now?  Good.  Progress pics below.

When I got to covering the armature, I ended up building up a ribcage type thing to give the rear end more structure.

There's a little Tim Burton and a little Stolloween in there... subconscious inspiration?


  1. OMG! That is......


    ...that is....rather cool actually!!! Wow!

    It is okay, you can just send me a don't have to mail it to me :D Really....

    I gotta go find my paper bag. :)


  2. Honestly! Will you please stop raising the bar?
    Freakin' overachievers!

  3. Thanks for making the rest of us look bad!

    Just kidding. It looks great. Love the teeth :)

  4. Hey Mr. Chicken. Thanks for the comment. But I couldn't find the crystal ball. So this year I am just going to show it in the window. Maybe if I can find a crystal ball I will do it next year. Wait, I did find one but they wanted an arma and a leg for it. Was hoping for cheaper.

  5. A ridiculous amount of fun. His facial expression is priceless.

  6. Great job. It's personality really comes through, like a still frame of an animated character. The smile cracks me up. Terrific colors as well.

  7. Really, really nice. Love it.
