Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wee Little Old Age Prosthetic Update

Stuart over at talked me into adding a neck to the sculpture, so here's where it stands now.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Davy Jones Projection Effect (2007)

We now set the Chicken-Time Machine back to Halloween 2007...

Inspired by the Pirates of the Caribbean ride additions, I animated a Davy Jones that appears on the sail of the pirate ship to spout menacing phrases, each bookended by a lightning flash of a skull.  It ended up taking so long to do that the animation is the same for each appearance of Davy Jones, but the TOTs didn't notice. ;)

Projection Loop follows the video.  Email me at ChickenHaunt [at] if you'd like a copy of the loop.  And I apologize for the quality of the video-- this was before I got the new camera.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Old Age Prosthetic Sculpt

I've been working on a sculpt for an old woman prosthetic that I'll apply on a very kind and forgiving friend of mine later this summer.

I'm not totally sold on the texture, but maybe y'all have some suggestions.  I'm always up for a good critique.  Click the pictures so you can see the textures up close.

It's Chavant NSP Medium over an Ultracal-30 lifecast, for those curious.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Looking through old files, I came across this sketch from the beginning of 2008 of what I envisioned for the haunt that year.  Fun to see what changed.
You can compare it to the 2008 video (below) and the Pictures.

Man, that video's dark.  Sorry about that.